Haggis Bolognese
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
My, ahem, sort of veggie haggis (see Happy Haggis Day,) may well last until Burns Night 2022.
I bought it a couple of days before the 25th January. So far I have relished it, reheated it & now we must part our ways.
The last blast is an experiment.
Leftovers transformed into a bolognese.
Doesn't take too long either.
You know the drill.
Onion peeled & chopped
Some Garlic Cloves ditto
Fresh Toms quartered
Haggis sliced & diced
Thyme pinch of, dried
Chillii Flakes ditto
Passata as much as will keep everything bubbling away
Onions & garlic into a warm, oiled frying pan for 10 minutes
Haggis is next
Get some water simmering in a saucepan & add the pasta
Tomatoes, thyme, chilli & passata join the haggis mix
Perhaps add a drop or two of red wine if you fancy, the haggis is a thirsty beastie
By the time the spaghetti is cooked, you'll be ready to plate up
It was comforting to eat on a late January evening.