Ricing to the Occasion
Photo © Rob Jones
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of left overs, must strive to find a use for it.
It is another universally accepted truth that I have never been able to handle portion control when it comes to rice. I always make too much. Double the amount needed in fact. So after the main meal is done and dusted, I am usually left with a large dish of unused rice.
This week, it has already appeared as Plain Rice, with a Korma, Nasi Goreng and a Coconut Stir-Fry Fu Yung.
The remainder was staring at me impassively, as if to say, ‘Surely you can do better than that.’
‘I know - I’ll make a Rice Pudding.’
The suggestion swiftly followed by howls of disapproval. Just about everyone I asked said, ‘you need pudding rice for that.’
I pushed back and did some research. The only thing that people seem to agree on is there is a ‘thing’ called Pudding Rice, and that it comes from Italy. Beyond that, it’s open season.
So …
And I have to agree the only reason this recipe worked is because the rice was already cooked, contained some currents and sultanas, and a smidgen of coconut.
To the pan of left-over rice mix, add enough full cream milk to almost cover it, and then about 100ml of single cream.
Heat through, and stir in a couple of beaten eggs.
A teaspoon of Vanilla Essence. And a sprinkling of Mace.
Plus a knob of butter.
Make sure it’s well mixed, and then tip into an oven dish. Smooth it flat and then pop it in the oven for half an hour, until the top seems to be colouring a bit. Sprinkle a little brown sugar on top if it helps you emotionally.
Consume straight away in its sticky form, or leave in the fridge to allow it to solidify overnight and become cuttable into blocks.
Serve any which way you wish - I chose sliced strawberries, cream and a dab of mint on top.