Bara Brith Ice Cream with Welsh Whisky
Photo © Rob Jones
It’s been on my mind for so long …. Bara Brith Ice Cream
It had to be there as a matter of principle. One of the basic Welsh flavours ought to be up there in the pantheon of ice cream flavours like Vanilla, Pistachio and Rum & Raisin. Why on earth not?
But then I thought let’s take it up a notch.
You’ll find one recipe for Bara Brith in an earlier post.
So that’s half the battle sorted.
For the ice cream mix:
300 ml Double Cream
300 ml Milk
150 g Caster Sugar
1 Vanilla Pod
3 Egg Yolks
Now… I’ve got an ice cream maker. You need to put the canister from the machine in the freezer the day before so it is positively Icelandic.
Put the cream and milk in a pan, along with half the sugar. Split the vanilla pod and scoop the seeds into the mix. Drop the pod into the pan.
Gently heat, don’t boil. Leave it for a bit to infuse.
Egg yolks in a bowl with the rest of the sugar. Beat until thick.
Add about a quarter of the milk/cream mix to the eggs.
Reheat the cream to almost boiling, take off the heat and add the egg mixture, stirring all the time. Basically you are making a custard. Allow the mix to cool.
Put mix into the ice cream maker and set going. About 20 minutes in, start adding the crumbled Bara Brith which has been steeped in some whisky - I recommend Penderyn, although clearly other whiskies are available.
After about 30 minutes tip into a container and pop into the freezer.
Stay away from it till the next day.
You’ll need to take it out of the freezer about half an hour before you want to get stuck in.