Pickled Tomatoes

Pickled Tomatoes

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

It's too hot & the weather forecasts have been misguided all week. I'm still waiting for, & anticipating, refreshing rain. For the sixth day on the trot. I'm a bit cross & cranky.

So, where do my thoughts head to?

Christmas & pickling. Obviously.

Something new. What's in the larder that needs to be used? 

Summer tomatoes. All shapes, all sizes, all colours. All of them smell & look wonderful.

Can they go in a jar with spices & vinegars I wonder. 


For a 1L sterilised Kilner Jar:

20/25 tomatoes (cherry & upwards sizewise, small & cute are best)

1tbsp peppercorns

1tbsp coriander seeds

1 whole red or green chilli

2/3 bay leaves (fresh or dried)

4/5 garlic bulbs peeled

Pickling Mix:

250ml cider vinegar

250ml red wine vinegar

5tbsps caster sugar

3tbsps good salt

Put all of your pickling delights into a saucepan & heat gently, stirring. You will need to bring it to a boil & then simmer for a few minutes

All the toms, spices & garlic go into the jar

Funnel to hand

Pour the pickling vinegar into the jar

Screw tightly

Looks pretty. Will keep for a year. (Opened? Then into the fridge, it'll keep for 2 weeks).

I'm hoping they'll be good with cheese, in a chilli or on top of a pizza.

Possibly to adorn cheese on toast.


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