Summer Bounty
Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

Aside from cricket, one of the best things about summer are British tomatoes.

My gluttonous gene came to the fore when I saw the array of the bounty on offer at the weekend.

Not just toms either. Courgettes, shallots, peppers & fat bulbs of garlic.

By the time it came to pay, my basket was giving my arms a workout.

Some chicken thighs from next door & we're away.

Into a baking tray

Chicken thighs - boned & skinless

Shallots - halved but not peeled

Bright pepper - (knows the capital of Belize etc ..) sliced

Garlic cloves - 2/3/4/5/6 (brave) Billy Bunter-sized 

Throw some oil at them


Oven 200/400/Gas mark 6 for 40/50 minutes

Bring the tray out & add the following

Courgette batons

Tomatoes - small & every colour under the rainbow - halved (juicier that way)

A tiny spoonful of spicy paste if you wish (green or red harissa is good)


Back in the oven for 5 minutes. Done.

That was all I needed to eat for the rest of Sunday. The next day what remained was tasty, too, but this time dished up with pasta.


Joie de Vivre

Joie de Vivre

Cheese & Smoked Paprika Scones

Cheese & Smoked Paprika Scones