Posh Steak & Chips
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
Because, sometimes, I'm worth it.
On a Saturday morning, the intention had been to get some chicken thighs from the butcher. Once inside though, my eyes were drawn to some fantastic looking Chateaubriand.
Me: "Could you cut me a portion of that about this big please?"
Butcher: "Of course."
Butcher: "That alright for you? I'd say plenty there for two."
Me: **Coughs** "Yes, for two, perfect, thank you."
It was just for me.
Not the cheapest cut but, then, I guessed that.
For supper that evening
Oven set at 200C/400F/Gas 6
Sweet Potato peeled and cut into wedges
Pop in a tray
Season (maybe some Smoked Paprika as well)
Some oil on top
Chateaubriand allowed to breathe at room temperature for half an hour
Potato wedges go in the oven for thirty five to forty minutes
Heat an ovenproof frying pan on a hot (very hot) hob
Oil the beef fillet
Some garlic slivers on it (not mandatory)
Sear on all sides in the pan
Into the oven for around fifteen to twenty minutes for rare to medium rare
Over cook this & it's straight to jail for you
Rest (the meat) for fifteen minutes, at least
Rest (you)
It was a salad with Feta, mint, Gem Lettuce & onion to join the juicy meat, crispy spuds & a generous spoon of English Mustard on the side.
The cut of beef lasted me four days in various different guises.
That was my thrifty side coming to the fore.