Goats and Cows in Verbier

Goats and Cows in Verbier

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

A Swiss playground for skiers, mountain bikers, hikers & the super rich.

I am none of these things.

However, through the years, I have been fortunate enough to work there for a few days in July to report on the Verbier Music Festival.

It's a village surrounded by mountains which are snow capped even in summer. There's a majestic view wherever you point your camera to.

There are good places to eat & drink, too. 

And ..

**C A B L E  C A R S**

One day I had some time out from doing interviews & going to concerts & went on a joy ride upon the excellent local cable cars. Taking in the vista, (stunning doesn't even begin to describe it), I was having a dandy old adventure until everything ground to a shuddering halt. Below me, a death drop, noisy goats & even noiser, bell-ringing cows (it's a ‘thing' here).

Time to ring Robert back in London.

Me: "I'm stuck on a cable car halfway up a Swiss Alp."

RJ: Well, whose fault is that then?"

I hang up.

There have been many occasions when both of us have been working in Verbier. Our first stop is always a favourite local eaterie of choice - Borsalino. Reasonably priced as well.

Pizzas, salads & a bottle of local Gamay

Sometimes it's here at the Fer à Cheval for garlic snails, (not Robert), & a beer or three

I'll save the Raclette evening for another time. Oh, that & the tale of a journalist who thought it was okay to take food off my plate as I was eating it.



Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a Virtue

A Much Missed Steakhouse

A Much Missed Steakhouse