Family II
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

A Sunday afternoon and a message comes through from a cousin who lives nearby.

HB: "I'm making an almighty pan of Mac & Cheese, do you want me to deliver a portion later?"

Me: "Yes please. Do you want some homemade lemon curd as a part exchange?"

HB: "A good swap. There's a lot of M&C coming your way."

Me: "No problem."

And HB wasn't joking about the portion. It lasted me three evenings.

Four different cheeses melted into a béchamel sauce together with cauli & broccoli mini florets, (some lovely crunch), some Dijon mustard & seasoning

Macaroni - a generous amount, too, because it's got a lake of rich sauce to deal with

If you're lucky enough to have it made for you & then dropped off at your door, just heat it in a Pyrex dish for twenty to thirty minutes in a moderate oven. 

A green salad would be nice but not a prerequisite. I had mine with some steamed carrots & asparagus.

I sat with my feet up, a spoon & a Netflix doc.

The last I heard from HB, once he was home after the trading of the treats, was this: "Currently spreading the curd onto banana bread. The jar's nearly gone. Nightly bless X."

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall


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