Sloppy Joe
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

It's a humid June day & I don't want the main oven on.

In the fridge there was leftover chilli packed with kidney beans, tomatoes, oregano, onions & garlic. A big pan of it (plus rice) had lasted me three nights. There was one more portion left. Not enough on its own. What could join it on the plate on a Saturday evening (early).

A first Sloppy Joe.

On a call with two friends, I shared the plan.

Two Friends: "What's that then?"

Me: "Basically, loose mince or pork in tomato sauce in a burger bun."

Two Friends: "Whhhhaaatt..?"

A little research reveals that a drier rather than a wetter SJ satisfies more.

The remaining chilli is out of the fridge & getting to room temperature. The mates on the plate are being thought about.

Chilli heating up, there's a check of what's in the salad drawer. Little Gem lettuce, radishes, cucumber & spring onions.

Olive roll, halved.

A slotted spoon to serve the chilli onto it, less juice that way, so not too sloppy.

A dirty slice of square cheese on top of the SJ to finish. It melted before I got the plate to the table.


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