Marmite in a Loaf - 2
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
It should be too early to say that this is the real thing, after all it's only been a week, but it's official - I am in love with Marmite Loaf.
One of the really pleasing elements to making this bread is that you can add whatever you fancy to it.
What will bring joy this weekend?
Smoked salt, fresh thyme leaves & Parmesan - that's what.
I did half and half of the sea salt & the smoked variety for this loaf. It was probably about 2 tsps of the thyme leaves, (if using dried, better to use less, I guess), but it was a nice addition & it needed using up from the salad drawer.
I am a salt fiend so it had to be a big salt crusted butter to take this beast on.