Advent Calendar - Day 4 - The Twelve Days of Christmas

Advent Calendar - Day 4 - The Twelve Days of Christmas

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without music.

From Mariah to Mendelssohn.

Over the years I have garnered some of the stories behind the festive favourites.

For instance - we have a mouse to thank for Silent Night.

The Christmas Song (roasting chestnuts etc ..) was written on a sweltering summer's afternoon.

A recent discovery has been a French version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

It's about food & drink.

It's called La Foi de la Loi - The Faith of the Law.

Le douzièm' jour del'année - The twelfth day of the year

Que me donn'rez vous ma mie? - What will you give me, my love?

Douze coqs chantants - Twelve singing cockerels

Onze plats d'argent - Eleven silver dishes

Dix pigeons blancs - Ten white pigeons
Neuf bœufs cornus - Nine horned oxen
Huit vaches mordants - Eight biting cows
Sept moulins à vent - Seven windmills
Six chiens courants - Six running dogs
Cinq lapins courant par terre - Five rabbits running along the ground
Quat' canards volant en l'air - Four ducks flying in the air
Trois rameaux de bois - Three wooden branches
Deux tourterelles - Two turtle doves
Un' perdrix sole - One lone partridge
Qui va, qui vient, qui vole - Who goes, who comes, who flies
Qui vole dans les bois - Who flies in the woods

**D I N G  D O N G**


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