Advent Calendar - Day 20 - Ghosts of Christmas Present
Photo © Rob Jones
They say that travel broadens the mind …
And yes, it certainly opens your mind to other ways of doing things.
I decided to have a quick ring round to find out how my nearest and dearest around the world will be celebrating this Christmas, and very interesting it was too.
So the question was … ‘Tell me when you will be celebrating Christmas, with whom (if anyone) and how.’
Survey answers as follows (no particular order):
“Roast Leg of Lamb with shredded red cabbage. Chestnut Mushroom Stuffing. Cranberry and Mint Sauce. Gravy. Non-meat-eating kids tucking into Salmon Teriyaki, fried Haloumi, Bubble and Squeek bakes, plus pasta to fill them up. Pastery crab on the side. Followed by Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding and Custard (because we are northern.)” (Victoria, Cheshire.)
“Starting with crisps and nuts. Christmas lunch of Ham Sandwiches and Garden Salad. Pudding with Ice Cream and/or Custard. We used to have roast chicken and veggies etc etc. The proper Christmas spread. But that was back when I was a kid, the grand parents were alive and the extended family flew in. Now we usually do a big lunch, often a lot of sea food involved. The fresh food market is packed in the days up to Christmas. Lots of prawns. And deli stuff. With temperatures in the mid-20s or above, having the oven is on isn’t fun. So people have BBQs.” (Carl, Melbourne, Australia.)
“Tears on a bed of Spinach.” (Frank, Belgium, but currently in Berlin.)
“Carp Soup, fried Carp and potato Salad. After dinner, all the family wait to hear a small bell, which means Jesus has come with presents. All lights shining on the tree and everyone having a good time.” (Kaja, Bohemia)
“We use the steam method to make the turkey succulent. We bung a load of veg in the roasting tin as a trivet and pop the beast on top. Then we add most of a bottle of white wine... a splash of water and seal the top with tinfoil so it’s tightly shut. Then on the stove we heat the tin till it starts boiling and then bung the bird in the oven. Taking the tinfoil off near the end to brown the skin. My 88 year olds dad is In charge of piggies in blankets. We have a starter of Smoked Salmon Mousse made like a terrine. And it’s home made Christmas pudd with cream (and rum sauce). Eat later and open presents. (Lisa, Essex.)
“Mostly M&S - Turkey crown and sides, Nut roast for daughters partner who is vegan. The process of Christmas food shopping becoming like a military operation I.e. you can book & shop, reserving a slot to circumnavigate the queues. I feel stressed already. “ (Louise, Plymouth.)
“Chicken liver pâté (homemade), turkey crown and pavlova (homemade) . Drinks amontillado sherry with pate, villa Maria Sauv blanc with turkey. And Christmas cake made by my favourite (husband) baritone xx.” (Jane, Largs.)
“The main Christmas meal is often lamb or pork, roasted in an oven or over an open spit. It's often served with a spinach and cheese pie and various salads and vegetables. Other Christmas and new year foods include 'Baklava' and Kataifi, a pastry made from shredded filo dough and flavored with nuts and cinnamon, Theeples - another kind of pastry. The pastries are either eaten for breakfast or as starters. Another popular Christmas dessert are Melomakarono, biscuit/cakes made from flour, olive oil, and honey and rolled in chopped walnuts.” (Dimitris, Greece via London.)
“Oysters, home-made sausage rolls and panettone, in that order. (Andre, Romania via Rome.)
It was about 50/50 who was celebrating on 24th and who on the 25th. The Europeans mainly going for 24th evening.
And who with … This year, close family, or alone.
All grateful.