Advent Calendar - Day 24 - Christmas Eve

Advent Calendar - Day 24 - Christmas Eve

Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones


This night is wonderful.

And around the world people are marking this evening in so many different ways.

Food will be playing its part

It might be duck in Denmark

It might be goose in Germany

It might be foie gras in France

It might be suckling pig in Spain

Music will also be heard & played:

Still, still, still, He sleeps this night so chill.
The Virgin's tender arms enfolding,
Warm and safe the Child are holding.
Still, still, still, He sleeps this night so chill.

Sleep, sleep, sleep, He lies in slumber deep.
While angel hosts from heav'n come winging,
Sweetest songs of joy are singing.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, He lies in slumber deep

Hear Bryn Terfel sing

Happy Christmas.


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Advent Calendar - Day 25 - Joy to the World

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