'God Bless Us, Every One!'
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
Please don't judge.
I'm listening to Christmas tunes this afternoon.
It's the 29th November.
Care not a jot.
Since Robert & I started Minhall & Jones, the cooking of food and writing about it have been my escapes from the uncertain world we're living in. Helping us both I believe.
This is the 100th posting for me & it feels like a milestone.
The next few weeks in the lead up to Christmas are going to be busy &, because I'll be working on the 24th & the 25th, I am planning.
And then some.
This is what’s needed.
*L I S T*
I may have mentioned this LCD before (List Compulsion Disorder).
So ...
Christmas Eve - I'm thinking something light as there'll be a very early start on Christmas Day - Prawn Cocktail with Homemade Brown Bread.
Christmas Day - Turkey - A Boneless Free-Range bird covered with Bacon & Thyme.
The meat has been ordered locally as has the veggie box.
Some Champagne and a decent Barolo for the big day.
The tree is being delivered in five days.
Festive cooking plans to follow.
Xmas light batteries bought.
AAAs since you ask.