T'is the Season IV

T'is the Season IV

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There's a first time for everything.

I started the marzipan for the Christmas Cake today.

Goodness me.

Sticky beast.


Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

For a 23/25cm cake

200g Icing Sugar

200g Caster Sugar

500g Ground Almonds

1tbsp Orange Juice

Zest of Orange

2 Eggs beaten

1tbsp Apricot Jam (Bonne Mama Intense is a gooden)

You'll need a big mixing bowl for this

Sift both sugars into said bowl & mix with the almonds

Orange zest goes in next followed by the beaten eggs

Mix like your country depends upon it

Add the orange juice & mix some more

Admire your triceps

Scoop your dough onto an icing sugar-dusted surface

Knead lightly for just a few minutes (you won't want to handle it too much & actually won't be able to - it's very sticky - think I mentioned that)

Spread the jam over the top & sides of the cake

Cover the cake with a circle of the marzipan using a dusted rolling pin

Use the remaining mix to paste the sides

Some tin foil loosely wrapped around the festive beast & into a cake tin to dry for 2 to 3 days

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

A strangely satisfying experience.

Coming next, the icing.


T'is The Season V

T'is The Season V

Horseradish Cottage Pie

Horseradish Cottage Pie