Uma Ceia Portuguesa
A Portuguese Supper.
It's been a long week. There are domestic duties to be done on a Saturday morning in October. There’s always time for a walk though & a chance to appreciate the season.
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
Then ..
Chicken With Madeira & Smoked Paprika Almonds.
Tiny potatoes are the bedfellows.
The sweet fortified wine of Portugal was poured during Thomas Jefferson's toast at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, (I think Robert was present). This delicious drink was also once nicknamed the 'milk of the old' & recommended for the sick & overworked.
Here we go for a solo weekend feast.
Oven 200C/190C/Gas 6
2 Chicken Thighs
100g Small Spuds
Handful of Flaked Almonds
Sprinkling of Smoked Paprika
100ml Madeira
You'll need an oven safe pan for this. Heat a little oil in it.
Put the almonds onto a plate with the smoked paprika
Salt & pepper the chicken thighs & brown them on both sides
The potatoes should be cut into thick slices & then added to the pan for about 8 minutes
Add the almonds
The rich & sweet Madeira goes in next - it'll bubble wildly - satisfyingly so
Cover the pan & then into the oven it goes for half an hour
I had mine with broccoli & courgettes.
Oh, & Netflix.